Feb. 18, 2021: Texas Weather Woes Persist, Cruz Travels to Cancun and More

Welcome to Word on the Street where we discuss the top five most interesting links of the day. Here is what’s hot for Thursday, February 18, 2021:
Texas Power Outages Persist as Texas Freezes: Texas has endured freezing temperatures throughout the state, and millions across the state have been affected by power outages, meaning that residents have dealt with the temperatures without heat.
Despite Texas Woes, Senator Cruz Travels to Cancun: Despite the unfolding disaster in Texas, Senator Ted Cruz was spotted boarding a flight to Cancun, Mexico.
Dolly Parton Refuses Statue in Tennessee State Capitol: Dolly Parton has told the Tennessee legislature that she does not believe that it is time for a proposed statue of her to be placed on state Capitol grounds.
Facebook Bans News Content in Australia: Facebook bans the posting of news content in Australia, in a dispute over the requirement to pay for stories and links posted on social media.
Perseverance Rover Safely Landed on Mars: The Perseverance rover has landed on Mars, passing through the “seven minutes of terror”, making it the latest NASA rover to land on the red planet. It is also one of three Mars missions from various nations this year.