Feb. 10, 2021: NBA Responds to Mavericks National Anthem Decision, Georgia Prosecutors Launch Election Probe and More

Welcome to Word on the Street where we discuss the top five most interesting links of the day. Here is what’s hot for Wednesday, February 10, 2021:
NBA Responds to Mavericks National Anthem Plan: After owner Mark Cuban stated that the Mavericks would no longer play the national anthem before games, the NBA has responded and stated that all teams will continue to play the anthem, in accordance to “long standing league policy.”
Georgia Prosecutors Launch Election Probe: Georgia prosecutors have begun a criminal probe into former President Trump’s attempts to overturn the election via phone calls with the George Secretary of State.
Influenza Infections Low, Possibly Due to COVID-19 Restrictions: Flu infections and hospitalizations are very low throughout the country, likely due to mask wearing, reduced travel and other precautions, according the Center of Disease Control.
Hacker Attempted to Poison Water Supply in Florida Town: A hacker attempted to poison the water supply of Oldsmar, Florida by remotely increasing the amount of lye in the water treatment system by more than 100 times normal concentration. Lye is used as a cleaning agent, and in large concentration is caustic.
Democrats Propose Giving Cash Instead of Tax Credit: President Joe Biden and Democrats want to convert the child tax credit into cash, as a way to bolster incomes of the poor, who are often left out of the credit currently.