Demand For Tech Talent Surges With More Than 300,000 Technical Jobs Posted in March

Tech sector employment continued to increase in March, contributing to the strongest month for hiring the country has experienced since last August. According to a new report by CompTIA, there were more than 300,000 job postings during March by US employers seeking to fill openings for various technology-related positions.
Tech companies added 9,700 jobs in March, a combination of technical and non-technical positions.
“With employer hiring activity spanning all 50 states and the District of Columbia, it confirms the broad-based demand for tech talent,” Tim Herbert, executive vice president for research and market intelligence at CompTIA, said. “Technology underpins just about every business across every industry sector across every state and we’re seeing that in the hiring data.”
CompTIA’s analysis of the latest job posting data reveals that Texas, Georgia, New York, Florida and Ohio were the states with the largest month over month increase in IT job postings. At the metro level New York City, Atlanta, Dallas, Austin and Richmond, Va. had the best performance.
Industries with the strongest demand for IT workers included professional, scientific and technical services, finance and insurance, manufacturing, information and retail trade.
Among specific job roles, companies are looking for software and application developers, IT support specialists, systems engineers and architects, systems analysts and IT project managers. Nearly 30% of the openings were for positions in emerging technologies, including nearly 15,000 for jobs in artificial intelligence or roles that require AI skills.
For more information about the report, click here.