Dec. 29, 2020: Vice President-elect Receives Moderna Vaccine, Football Player to Be Paid in Bitcoin and More

Welcome to Word on the Street where we discuss the top five most interesting links of the day. Here is what’s hot for Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris Receives Moderna Vaccine: Vice President-elect and her husband both received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the second vaccine approved by the FDA.
Russell Okung Paid Partially in Bitcoin: Russel Okung, Offensive Tackle for the Carolina Panthers, will be paid half his salary in bitcoin for the 2020 season through a partnership with Strike.
House Backs Stimulus Increase: The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill increasing the recently implemented direct stimulus to the American people from $600 to $2000, leaving the legislation in the Senate’s hands.
Demand for Travel Nurses Doubles Since Spring: With the coronavirus pandemic raging throughout the nation, the demand for travel nurses has doubled, as hospitals in hotspots become overwhelmed.
Judge Blocks Attempted Voter Purge in Georgia: Federal judges sided with the voter registration group Majority Forward in thwarting an attempt to remove 4,000 voters from the registration rolls before the Georgia Runoff on January 5.