Dec. 21, 2020: Stimulus Deal Reached, Mutant COVID-19 in U.K. and more

Welcome to Word on the Street where we discuss the top five most interesting links of the day. Here is what’s hot for Monday, December 21, 2020:
Congress Reaches Compromise on Stimulus: The stimulus package includes $600 direct checks to individual taxpayers.
Mutant Variation of COVID-19 Causes Lockdown in U.K.: The mutation is found to spread more easily, and is becoming the predominant strain in the United Kingdom.
Potential Christmas Storm to Affect East Coast: There is a possibility for heavy rains and snow in the eastern United States on Christmas Day.
Sony Removes Cyberpunk 2077 From Playstation Store: Sony is offering full refunds for the game, which upon release, had glitches and bugs that rendered it nearly unplayable on PS4-generation consoles.
Pence Reveals Space Force Troops To Be Called Guardians: The United States Space Force troops will be called guardians, and the motto is Semper Supra, or Always Above.